In the past few years, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) with hormone pellets has emerged as the favored, most effective and most bioidentical method to deliver hormones to both women and men. This is not a new treatment as hormone replacement therapy using pellets has been a successful practice in the United States, Europe and Australia since 1938. The pellets contain either testosterone or estradiol which are derived from natural plant sources and are chemically identical to our own body’s natural hormones. The pellets are made at specialized compounding pharmacies and can be tailored to each individual patient’s needs. Oral, injectable and transdermal forms of hormones will often provide roller coaster levels of hormones as they get absorbed then wear off before the next dose.


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How do Hormone Pellets Work?

Once inserted, pellets release sustained and continuous physiologic hormone levels. Studies show that BHRT with hormone pellets is superior to other forms of hormone replacement for the maintenance of bone density as well as for improvement in sleep patterns, energy, mood, sense of well-being and libido. BHRT pellets deliver consistent levels of hormones which usually last for a 3-5 month period for women and 4-6 month period for men. They gradually dissolve on their own and do not need to be removed. Studies show that when compared to conventional hormone replacement therapy, bioidentical hormone pellet therapy offers superior relief of symptoms related to menopause and andropause.

Open By Appointment Only

The health and safety of our patients and staff is of the utmost importance. Blades Wellness and Aesthetics is now open for Pellet Therapy treatments by appointment only. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact our office.

Hormone Pellet FAQ

Bioidentical hormone pellets are inserted using a relatively painless procedure done in the office under local anesthesia. Each pellet, which is just a little bigger than a grain of rice, is placed through a small incision in the skin into our fatty tissue usually in the upper buttock area. The skin incision is then closed with steri-strips. The procedure takes about 10 minutes.

Many patients experience relief of symptoms within 7-10 days of pellet insertion while others may take up to 2-3 weeks to notice a marked improvement.

After starting your customized hormone therapy protocol, hormone levels are usually rechecked about 6 weeks after pellets are inserted. Dr. Blades will work closely with you to monitor and adjust your hormone levels to ensure that you are are achieving and maintaining optimal hormone balance.

Pellet therapy helps to maintain very consistent blood hormone levels over a 3-6 month period. The cost for pellet insertion varies depending on the dose and number of hormone pellets needed. Men need a much larger dose of testosterone than women so the cost will be higher. When compared to the cost of individual drugs used to treat the individual symptoms of hormone decline, pellets are cost effective and very easy to use.

For more information on bioidential hormone replacement therapy using hormone pellets, call Blades Wellness and Aesthetics at 832-653-2946.

Patient Testimonials

"I have been getting the Biote for years at another office and recently had them done with Dr. Blades. She is the most compassionate, understanding doctor I have ever been to! She took the time to listen to my symptoms and set up a plan for my health and wellness, writing out my plan on a piece of paper."

Anonymous, Cypress, TX

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