Injectable Dermal Fillers in Cypress, TX

Injectable dermal fillers are popular with both men and women to help add volume, soften wrinkles and add a lift to our facial tissues without the need for surgery. Dermal fillers use active ingredients that are naturally found in the body such as hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite to safely reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Our Selection of fillers include Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse, RHA and Sculptra.

sculptura injections cypress

Cheek filler before and after

  • Dermal filler treatments are quick and simple. Treatment sessions are usually around 30 minutes and require very little down time before you can resume normal daily activities.
  • Prior to the procedure, a member of our aesthetic team will cleanse the area that will be injected and apply a topical anesthetic.
  • In addition to the topical anesthetic, we use very cold air applied directly on the skin to help with anesthesia during the procedure.
  • Side effects are mild and temporary and include bruising, redness, numbness and possibly itching at the injection site. 

Results are visible immediately and can last for 12-24 months depending on the product used as well as the volume of that product.

Dermal Filler Procedures

Cheek Filler Treatment

Lip Filler before and after

Sculptra Injections

Collagen is the main structural protein found in the skin that helps to keep the skin looking smooth and youthful. As we age, collagen production decreases, and facial fat declines, leading to wrinkles and folds.

Sculptra is a cosmetic injectable that:

  • Gradually helps to replace lost collagen and decreased fullness.
  • Minimizes the appearance of facial wrinkles and folds leaving the skin looking smooth and supple.
  • Produce subtle, natural-looking results that may last up to two years.

Sculptra is made from poly-L-lactic acid, a biodegradable substance, which the body safely and naturally breaks down. Poly-L-lactic acid has been used for years in dissolvable stitches. Sculptra is injected into the deep dermis, where it strengthens the skin's foundation and provides a stronger structure for the body’s natural collagen to be produced. This process helps to restore lost volume. As Sculptra stimulates collagen growth over time, folds and wrinkles will gradually soften, leaving your skin looking smooth, natural and youthful.

Sculptra is FDA-approved to help correct mild to broad facial wrinkles and folds, between the nasolabial folds, between the lips and jaw line, and wrinkles in the chin. Other uses include treatment for hollowed temples and facial contour deficiencies.

For more information or to find out if you are a candidate for Sculptra, call our office and schedule a consultation.

Sculptra works in the deep dermis to reinforce the structure of the skin and to help replace lost collagen. While other fillers typically show immediate results that last about 6-12 months, Sculptra stimulates collagen production and works gradually to correct wrinkles and folds. The results can last for up to two years.


Sculptra injections cypress

Sculptra Before and After

dermal fillers cypress

Sculptra Before and After

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