Wellness Pricing is Changing July 1st

Dear Patients,

Our Wellness pricing is changing as of July 1, 2023.

New Patient Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

  • Therapy (BHRT) Visit: $500
  • 2nd BHRT Visit: $375
  • All Remaining BHRT Visits: $250
  • Functional Medicine Visit: $250
  • Weight Management Visit: $200
  • Consult Visit: $200

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 832-653-2946.

Thank you,o 

Carrie F. Blades, MD
Charlotte Lachner, NP
Jessica Strickland, NP
Jenifer Harrison, NP
Patricia Gonzales, NP
Misha Dorsey, NP

Get back to being you!

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